Champion System
The champion system allows you to enter battles fighting as one of your companions.
To active champion mode speak to a companion in your party. Ask them to "become my champion". If the companion has enough health and they in your party you will spawn as them when you enter a battle.
To deactivate champion mode talk to the active companion again and say "I will fight for myself".
On the map are 19 dungeons the player can enter and try and clear by making it through all the rooms to the end. The dungeons are 4 - 7 rooms long and rooms are generated randomly from a list of 30 possible rooms. Some rooms are small with everything visible in from the beginning including the exit, others are longer and will need trekking through with your party.
When you enter the dungeon click on the option to choose which 3 troops you would like to join you. You can choose either companions or regular troops but all 3 must be unique so even if you have 3 dark elf assassins, only 1 can join. Your choices of dungeon companions will remain set across all dungeons so if your chosen troop dies remember to reselect at the start of the next dungeon or you will only spawn with 2 allies.
Please note that not all dungeon rooms are capable of handling large allies so troops such as ogres may get stuck or not spawn if you choose them. They are very powerful though so it may still be worth it even if you have to fight without them in the odd room.
Your mission is to make it past the final room where you will be guaranteed a unique treasure item if you do (the longer a dungeon the chance of a better item is higher). Most rooms contain a chest which will spawn in a random place (can be in sneaky places) which is likely to contain one or two items of treasure with a chance of goods and potions being included as well.
If one of your companions falls then you will continue on without them. If the player falls then the dungeon ends there (you get to keep what you have found so far).
The amount and quality of enemies you face will be based on the player level and the level of the 3 companions. The other factor is the difficulty modifier which can be raised in the main dungeon screen. Increasing the dungeon difficulty will increase both amount of enemies and the potential quality of them too but in return you will get more treasure and the chance of goods and potion will increase. Fighting at level 10 will give you 5 extra treasure items per chest, a guaranteed extra good and very likely a potion too meaning that with good trade skill you could make 1000s of gold in every room. It is however incredibly difficult.
You need to be careful how much noise you make travelling through the dungeon or you may bring upon yourself some unwanted attention. Firing guns (small increase), using spells with loud sound effects (small - medium increase) or casting explosive AOE spells (large increase) will increase the noise level and when it hits the threshold (smaller rooms have smaller threshold) there is a chance that every subsequent sound will trigger reinforcements in the dungeons for your enemies. If you trigger a wave of reinforcements the noise level will reset and the threshold raised so it is harder for noise to trigger another wave. If you do trigger another wave then it will be reset again with an even larger threshold set.
Whatever the outcome of the dungeon dive, whether you complete the dungeon, fall or flee the monsters will leave and you will not be allowed to try the dungeon again until the dungeon is repopulated. This can be as soon as a few hours but it can take up to a week or two.
Please note: This is not intended to be a feature which can be conquered in the early game. It will probably require a powerful player with powerful companions to make it through consistently but the treasure chests will still make going through a couple of rooms worth it.
Faction Culture
"Camp/take action menu button" allows you to change your faction culture.
This will change what units spawn in player owned locations
Faction culture will also influence Freelancer as you will use the troop tree of your faction culture when first enlisting with a lord.
Q: In a field battle the enemies usually form a long line and circle awkwardly.
A: In the Camp menu go to 'PBOD Mod Preferences' then turn on Formations AI.

The list of epic units:
- Empire: sigmarite priest, demigryph knight.
- Chaos: chaos troll, daemon princes.
- Vampire Counts: Blood knight, Vampire.
- Dwarfs: daemon slayer, Dwarf master engineer.
- Chaos Dwarfs: kdaai destroyer, Chaos dwarf inferno.
- High elves: chracian noble, fireborn(red dragon princes).
- Dark elves: dreadmaster.
- Wood elves: Sister of thorn, treekin.
- Bretonnia: paladin.
- Beastman: minotaur. Doombull.
- Orcs: rock troll.
- Night goblins: River troll.
- Skaven: rat ogre, ratling gunner.
- Tomb kings: ushabti.
- Araby: sandwraith.
- Lizardmen: kroxigor.
- Kislev: Son of ursun.
- Nippon: great guard.
- Pirates: pirate ogre firebelcher (hand mortar)